
Impossible………Really Means “I’m-Possible”…….to Make a Difference.

PossibleI’m always touched by the strength of families who do so much to make “Hope” a reality.  The biggest hope I will always have is for a cure for this disease.  I know, I know, I KNOW so many say that they are tired of hearing about a cure.  It has been promised so long.  The doctor said way back when it will be in just a few years.  I heard all of that also…..I also do not have an ostrich complex with my head in the sand.  I know the time upon the clock.

And still……..

The DRI had their walk last weekend at Marlins Stadium.   Thousands upon thousands were in attendance.  And wherever and whoever you support, you attend these grass-root-type-events also.  The next time you are at one, do what I do.  I look around at all the families that have been diagnosed more recently than in our household.  I look at the little faces who want a cure……….need a cure.  That hope NEEDS to stay alive UNTIL we get there NO MATTER how long it takes.

The fire in me will never die until we reach that goal we sought from the beginning, a cure.  Management devices are great, and ever-changing, but my goal has never changed since I stood by Kaitlyn’s bedside and promised her that we would get there.  Where is that promise in the world today?  Will we, collectively, be happy with just better management tools?  I welcome these management tools.  I do.

I have seen some of the most incredible advances in this area.  We were there before pumps were in everyday use; we were there when CGM were merely three letters of the alphabet;  glucometers took 90 seconds to give a reading; there was no computer chip on a test strip; insulin was made of pork……and much, much more,  We welcomed all of these wonderful advances.

And yet, and still, with all I have seen in my life,  I take each breath searching for the one and only thing that will make me sleep peacefully at night.  I think we need to get back to what every parents REALLY wants.  I think we need to end this thinking that something which can be grasped is so unreachable.  I think we need to stop listening to voices that  say, “Well sure the cure is important but we need to give all of our focus to a better device”.

Yes, we do need to give focus to better devices………but an equal and even thrust MUST ALSO BE GIVEN to VOICES pushing for a biological cure, where ever you believe that to be.   We walked on the moon…..the vision was given, work was thrust toward that end, and it happened.  Impossible just means I’m-Possible to make a difference.

Does a cure for our children deserve any less?  Do our children deserve any less?

I am a DiabetesDad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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