
A Line from an Award Winning Play…….Describes Life.

Our town“Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?”   One of my favorite plays to both read and to have performed is Thornton WiIder’s Our Town.  Pictured above from over 35 years ago, this one line still resonates with me so many years after I played George, in a truly wonderful production.  How would you answer this question from the classic?

On this night my Brother-in-law, Jon, was joined by other Detectives in their retirement dinner.  For over 30 years he served a community and saw things that he will never talk about and did his job with dignity and honor.  In his ‘thank you’ speech, he emotionally mentioned his Mom, Dad, and brother (a Vietnam War Hero) who are all deceased; and how he wished they were with him on this night.  And perhaps because this is also the 7th anniversary of my dad’s world departure, well it’s a tad emotional.

The people who came before us.  They mean something, they really do.

Your kids are not wearing an insulin pump because it just appeared.  CGMs did not just come into being.  Anything you use today to manage your diabetes did not just magically happen.  Things came about because years ago someone had a vision.  Someone believed that our world could be ‘better’…….and they set out to make it that way.

I stopped counting how many times I picked up the phone to ‘talk baseball’ with my dad realizing that it could not happen.  His voice is silenced.  But I have learned to appreciate the many things he left for us to still enjoy; because they were his, and he gave them to us.

It is this appreciation that makes me realize the things we now have should never be taken for granted and should be understood for what they were/are.  Perhaps not perfect when they were first introduced, but progressed and have been perfected into something extremely useful.  Something that has changed our lives.

My dad loved science and medical advancement.  That interest was passed on to me………and I love learning all I can regarding what impacts my children and their living with type 1 diabetes.  I think of him with each new development in our diabetes world because he left that love to me and it has served me beyond measure……………..I only wish I could have one day to talk to him about all of this exciting stuff again.  Even an hour, I would take.   Even a minute.

The main character answers the question posed above, in the play, when he responds;
“No……………………………… Saints and poets maybe…they do some.”

I miss you Doggie Daddy……….still.

I am a DiabetesDad.
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