
Diabetes and Mental Health……Yeah, that’s Right.

Diabetes aheadThere is complication of diabetes (well, diagnosis of any disease, really) that is as real as low blood sugar…….and that complication is depression.  As Dr. William Polonsky once said, “I would be concerned if someone does not show some signs of depression after diagnosis”.

I have written about this before but it’s always worth repeating and today I want to add something to what I have discussed in the past. It is crucial to realize that just as your body needs a treatment to be physically healthy so, too, does your mind.  Just as the body needs tending to when disease hits so, too, does the mind.  Do not make the mistake that it I something it’s not.  It’s there.  It’s real.  It needs to be tended to.

And it’s okay to say it.

I know many people do not talk about it and surely they have the choice to keep it to themselves but do not make the mistake of suffering without help.  If you want to seek help without anyone knowing, do so; but do not leave it alone.  My friend Gary Scheiner, and AADE Educator of the year for 2014, informs me that Integrated Diabetes Services has someone on staff who does teleconferencing in this field, so no matter where you are, you can get help.

Gary is the founder of this medical outreach and as in all cases, do your own homework, but I can tell you that Gary is incredibly respected in the world of diabetes and a powerhouse of knowledge and resources.  My point is not just how great Gary is (which he is), my point is that if they have some sort of tele-means to help someone with the psyche side of diabetes, you should know that there is another means/tool out there to help you.

And here is the addition I want to make today. Jeep an eye on your self.  Once your child is diagnosed, do not just think it is s/he tat may need to talk to someone.  Keep any eye out for you.  A diagnosis hits the entire family.  It hits it hard.  If you need tou speak to someone, find someone.

With the help that is available out there, no one should be alone in the middle of an ocean.  If you find yourself not being able to be part of the mainstream as you were before diagnosis, please find some one to speak to about it.  If you are truly struggling, it does no help to your child if you are not yourself.

You would not be the first person to seek help due to a diagnosis, and you will not be the last.  But do not be the one who will think ‘it will just go away’.  It might not.  Be sure.  My dear late Richard Rubin made very clear to me how important the psyche side of diabetes is and how much it is a complication.  You would never think twice about the complications of a low blood sugar.  Don’t think twice about the mental health complication of diabetes either.

Diabetes treatment is important……for all complications.  Depression is, but, another one that needs to be dealt with full energy.  Do it today.

I am a diabetes dad.
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