
Do You Know Anyone with T1D Who Might want a Baby Some Day???……Read…….

Ginger babyI’m not a person who merely likes Ginger Vieira, no let me be crystal clear about this from the get-go.  Ginger is one of those people who if you know her, just if you hear her name, you smile immediately.  It’s safe to say that Ginger is one of my favorite people in this diabetes world.

She keeps it real.  Her writings.  Her video blogs.  She says what’s on her mind.  She is funny, delightful, direct, and more than anything else; she is knowledgeable.  She has had diabetes for a long time.  She knows what it’s like to live with it and NO ONE shares what it is like as Ginger does.  She will make you laugh, cry and most of all……think.  When I found out that she was having a baby, I was ecstatic because if you know Ginger, you know that there would be one VERY LUCKY baby in this world.

Ginger’s entire persona is electric.

As is Ginger’s style; she wants to help others.  She is writing a book.  A book from the point of view of someone who has type one diabetes trying to fulfill one of the happiest dreams of any couple……giving life.

Here is the deal, and Ginger explains this on her video, women with type I diabetes having a baby, is a very small market according to those in the publishing world ‘who are in the know’.  But this does not change the fact that there are things women should know about having a baby while balancing type one diabetes.  So rejection after rejection led Ginger and her CDE Partner, Jennifer, to venture out and do this on their own.

I got involved.  But I got involved not because I think the world of Ginger (which I do).  I got involved because at some point in this world, my daughter with type one diabetes, will probably want to start a family.  I want this book on her shelf when she decides to do that.  I want her to hear from someone who knows.  Someone who has been there.  I want, as I have always wanted, for her to have the tools to make sure diabetes does not get in her way, yet again.

I want her to do that badly enough, and I trust Ginger well enough, to help her get there.

If you have a daughter, or had a baby, or know someone with type one diabetes, help Ginger and Jennifer prove the publishing world wrong showing just how important this book about being pregnant, and having type one diabetes, will be by giving a couple of bucks at their program on kickstarter.  They have 32 days to raise just $3,000.  A whole bunch of people giving just a couple of bucks…….very doable.

Click here to see Ginger’s incredibly charming video (THIS does not surprise me at all). And see how you can get involved. Even if you chose not to be part by donating, you will love her video.

Ginger is accomplished in many fields, book author, inspiring video blogger, inspiring blogs….she is not new at this ‘writing and inspiring thing’ and to be honest with you, I did not invest in this to help Ginger; even as much as I believe in her—–I gave a couple of bucks because my daughter will benefit from this book.  So will someone you know.  Take a look.

I am a diabetes dad.
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