
Join Us Tomorrow and Learn How You Just Might Save a Life.

Save a child's lifeThis is copied directly from the DPAC website page—–if, and I mean IF, I am considered an expert in any way, it is ONLY from working with so many of you who have done so much.
If You are interested in finding out what you might do in your state…..join us tomorrow (12 noon Eastern Time—link is below) and learn how you may save the life of those with the missed diagnosis of diabetes.  Thank you to diabetes megastars Benet Dunlap and Christel Aprigliano; for asking me to join you in this incredible initiative.

Ask An Expert: Tom Karlya – How to ROCK State Diabetes Advocacy

Tom “Diabetes Dad” Karlya joins DPAC to share the success of Reegan’s Rule in North DPAC_ASKanEXPERT_TomK RegCarolina as a precedent for other states.

Why we’re excited.

Tom knows that advocacy happens when people act and where they act. He will share the heartbreak that drove the creation of Reagan’s Rule and how we can honor the children who have been lost to a lack of a timely diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes by working with our state legislatures.

Children with Type 1 diabetes are being missed; their symptoms are dismissed as flu/virus initially; causing extended hospital stays, enormous loss of workdays, incredible family hardship and in some instances, severe brain damage and death in children needlessly.

Learn what has worked.

Join Tom Karlya and DPAC on April 28 at 12pm Eastern by registering here.

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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