
Group Co-founded by Nick Jonas, Sam Talbot JUMP into T1D/DKA Awareness…….SPECIAL DAY TODAY.

bt1-groupHow mad are you…..I hope you are furious.  Beyond Type (founded by Nick Jonas, Sam Talbot, Sarah Lucas, and Juliet De Baubigney) are involved in the Revlon One Million Dollar Challenge.  Every dime that is raised today will go to Beyond Type 1’s efforts to bring awareness to the missed diagnosis of T1D.  Reaching out in efforts across the country.  Please help them.  If you give $40 or more, you will get one of these really cool t-shirts.

Click the picture above to take you to the donation page. PLEASE CONSIDER giving a few bucks.  This group is REALLY STEPPING up to spread the word so no child gets severely ill, or dies.  A few bucks can help, YOU can help.  Please share this.  This is for today only—help them help this initiative.  If your child was in DKA, you know how important this issue is; please help our friends at Beyond Type 1.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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