
How to Bring Attention to Diabetes Causes……I’m Throwing My Hat in the Ring!

candidatesIt has been said, oh I don’t know, a million times; that we need to figure out something to do to bring attention to what living with diabetes is all about……, I had an idea.  If you are inclined to think that one of our presidential candidates is the right choice for you……PLEASE feel free to vote for the person you want.



If you are one of the voices who has made it clear that you are going into the polls and handwriting a candidate’s name (personally I have heard many from Mickey Mouse to George Washington)……I have decided to throw my hat into the ring.

Imagine……..election night……the newscaster…..

“Good evening we have a winner but also pollsters are trying to figure out who is ‘DiabetesDad’ and why did he receive over a million handwritten votes at the polls.”


Should I win, I will most certainly have a platform that is hugely diabetes related.
But I will not win.



Imagine the amount of press if a significant amount of people did just that……..

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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