
Why Do All Big Pharma Diabetes Commercials ONLY Sell Something……I Have an Idea…….

big-pharmaDoes it not seem like 1 in every 5 commercials these days is about some sort of diabetes med?  Is it just me?   This is America and surely any and all companies are free to do what they want with their money………..but…….


I have a suggestions for all those who take to the airwaves hawking their wares.  Maybe not a suggestion, maybe more like an ask,  Why not take just 10% of your airtime and offer it for some sort of diabetes education.  Here are a few ideas:
>Differences in T1 and T2
>Kids with diabetes…..are still just kids (bullying)
>We need a cure
>Highlight an organization (DRI, JDRF, ADA, Beyond Type 1, dPac, Diabetes Sisters, Hands Foundation, Help a Diabetic Child, Divabetic—all different-all good…..and THAT is just the tip of the iceberg)
>Different management options
>Where to get help
>……and the list can go on.

Imagine doing this….you surely can take the last 5 seconds of the spot….”This ad was paid for by XYZ Company…….because we care about the people we serve.”  We, in this diabetes community spend BILLIONS of dollars each year buying products—-should they now be able to give back, shouldn’t they WANT TO give back to those who support their product?


To all of you:—-I challenge you to find the name of a CEO of the any diabetes companies out there…..and send this to them.  If they need help, I will gladly help them.
Why not I say, why not?
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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