
NEWSBREAK: Did You Cry Over Reegan, Kycie and Others—–a $1,000,000 Group Helping!!!!!

blue-candle-smokeThe blue candle.  Lit so many times, and I would dare say the most amount of times, has been when the diagnosis of diabetes was missed.  We have talked about it a million times.

We have also talked about the idea of corporate America backing diabetes causes. Well now the two things we have wished for; stopping kids from dying—and corporate America being part in the diabetes community are on a main roadway to become one……and this diabetes cause needs out help.

You may know some things about but what I am pretty sure the masses DO NOT know is that I have been in the room with Tom and Sarah (a mom to a T1D) from this organization, I have seen anger in their faces and tears in their eyes.
And through all of that Sarah has stated to me;  “We pledge to help make a difference in this battle”.

With an awareness campaign that we could have only dreamed of, they are going into organizations state-by-state with other moms, with an awareness campaign we could have only dreamed of when we started this battle.  With their membership, their ‘funky’-sort-of-style, their celebrity connections, they are utilizing everything they have to make amazing inroads. Sarah, was, and has been, true to her word. is working diligently to end this; but it takes a lot.

And now they are positioned to be given 1 million dollars from Revlon.
But they need out help.  They have pledged to continue this fight and it can get expensive.  We wanted corporations to be involved…..well went out and is trying to get them involved BIG TIME.  There is this competition challenge thrown out by Revlon called The Revlon, Love is on, One Million Dollar Challenge.  Over 100 charities are vying for 1 million dollars….whoever raises the most amount of money by time this contest ends this in the next week is given 1 million dollars by Revlon.

It looks like, right now, our friends at Beyond Type1 are third in this race with over $313,000 raised—–and they are not far behind number one which is at about $360,000. Let’s help Beyond Type 1 continue to help our battle against the missed diagnosis of T1D.  Posters, outreach, printing all costs money—-they have put celebs behind this effort as well…..they are really trying to help, lets help them as they are already knee-deep in the efforts of making sure not one more child dies from this disease not being diagnosed.

Their efforts have been monumental.

Did you light a blue candle?  Did you cry?  DId you get angry?  If many people give a little, BeyondType1 will catch up and become the number one spot.  I get it; we are all involved with many wonderful organizations; but if ever this effort meant something and tugged at your heart, please find a few bucks to help them—–we all talk about it ALL THE TIME why is not the diabetes community involved ‘in something like that”?  Well now a member of our diabetes community is not INVOLVED IN SOMETHING LIKE THAT, they are positioned to win the entire thing with our help.  Let’s give and help an organization that so wants to eradicate kids dying from missed diagnosis.  You cared enough to cry, please care enough to give.

Let’s extinguish the blue candle on missed diagnosis of T1D.  BUT IT IS OVER THIS WEEK SO PLEASE GIVE TODAY.   Thank you for caring about the voices who cannot speak for themselves.
Click here to donate to them, this effort, and to gain more information.

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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