
On This World Diabetes Day……I Think……of You!

birthday-cakeWhen Lou Gehrig retired from baseball he said, in his farewell speech, that he was probably one of the luckiest men on earth…..I know the feeling.  Not because of diabetes, I wish that was not in the factoring at all but in a way it is.  What is in the factoring……is YOU.

If I attempted to name the so many people who have taught me, showed me, challenged me, and above all; enriched my life since beginning this journey–undoubtedly I would miss someone so I will not attempt it.  But that does not mean I think of so many on this day because I do.  It’s not because of diabetes we met, it is because YOU CHOSE not to accept the roadblock given to you.  There are millions of people with diabetes who I will never meet, but my life has been so blessed with people who have decided to just, ‘don’t do nothing’ that our lives HAVE BECOME entwined.

Because you chose to advocate, learn, share, give, take, and live by the rule that ‘diabetes just will not do’ in your life that our paths have crossed and I’m one lucky man for knowing you.

November 14th, the birth date for Dr. Frederick Banting who discovered insulin, and is recognized as World Diabetes Day is indeed, today.  My celebration will never be about diabetes, I hate it and want it eradicated.  I WILL, however, celebrate the lives of my children who live everyday to full gusto even with diabetes.  I WILL, however, celebrate each and every one of you who have blessed my life in this journey.  I WILL, however, celebrate all off those working daily to making a difference for those with diabetes to live better managed lives and hopefully a day when it will be cured.

That is World Diabetes Dad to me and I thank each of you for being part, any part, of this journey with us.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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