
Oh…..It’s Butterfly Kisses…..My Baby Girl is Engaged!

“I think we have been apart too long.  I really just cannot exist without her in my life.”  And in an instant, all of the concerns about,; will he take care of her diabetes, will he make sure she is okay, will he care for her, will he…..will he……willl he??????? I answered him, “You not […]


NEWSBREAK: Lilly Fires First Shot in Lowering Insulin Cost……Now We Need a War!

Today, Lilly Diabetes released an announcement that they are reducing insulin up to 40% for some users in the retail market.  You can read the announcement here: Now this very well may not be for everyone and clearly will not work in all cases, maybe not even in a whole bunch of cases.  But […]


NEWSBREAK: Survey Data on T1D Misdiagnosed (Partial Data)…….Is Now In! Read and Share!

What I am about to share with you, has been shared with me from our friends from Glu, a T1D exchange Community and T1D Exchange. I’m sharing it because so many have been inquiring as to the data from their extensive survey entitled: Driving patient-centric research: DKA & Misdiagnosis. Let’s be very clear about these findings…..THEY ARE […]


Our Diabetes Journey…….Energy Better Spent…..Why Argue????

At a recent event, I was engaged in a discussion with a couple who are ‘fairly new’ on this journey.  After a conversation on a myriad of topics the gentleman said to me, “Can I ask you something personal?”  Never one to run from such a question I answered, ‘Sure”. “How do you stay at […]


Medical Advice is NOT a One Size Fits All……Be Careful Getting AND Giving!

The post on social media goes out; “My child is going through (fill in the blank with a medical ‘occurrence’.)_____________________.  I have tried this (again fill in the blank) ____________________; that (again)_________________________;  and this again __________________________________ to no avail, I’m very worried, what should I do. And the list begins on advice. I’m the first […]


NEWSBREAK: When A Child Dies, Yes it’s Okay to Question……..Yet Again.

It seems to be, reading the posts all over social media, that a young lady, another one too young, has passed away.  From what I am reading, it seems there was a ‘kink’ in her pump tubing and insulin was being denied entry into the body.  Her blood sugar rose, she entered DKA and at […]