
Good-Bye 2016….and Thank……YOU!!!!!!

calendar-page-offWell tear the page off the calender, 2016 is history.  Much has surely happened this year and as I reflect on it, I realize that so much good happened in the year.  I know many feel differently, and that is fine as they are entitled, but I’ve never been one to stay focused on one item or one event.

I survived being at 9/11, I survived my child being diagnosed with diabetes, I have survived losing a brother (in law), a father, a father and mother-in-law who I cherished, a second child being diagnosed and an entire list of items that will depress you to know end–and many people over the years have been in office who I did not want or who I wanted…..and I will be danged if whatever this year bought will make me react any differently.

The sun will rise tomorrow and with it a new day. And it is THAT way in which I live.

I will choose the GREAT things that happened over the year in the battle against undiagnosed Type 1 Diabetes.  I’ll cherish Beyond Type 1, Insulet, dPac, Susan Weiner, Kim May, Michelle Berman, Debbie Healy, Bennet Dunlap, Little Reegan’s Family, Kycie’s Family, Elizabeth Stein, DiaBEAT THIS!, and those who have stepped on the gas pedal and chose to share their lives to end these occurrences and, in some cases, when they were even victims themselves.  I’m grateful to the many who gave a platform to spread the word.  I’M GRATEFUL TO THOSE WHO EVEN HUNG A POSTER TO SPREAD THE WORD.

I’ll cherish those advancing the better treatment for those who live with diabetes every day.  I’ll cherish those organizations who continue to help people, advocate, and spread the word.    I’ll cherish those who despite great odds, continue in that search for a cure. I’ll, personally cherish, a new granddaughter, an engaged daughter, a move to a new home in a new state, and always my wonderful family.

And I will always and in all ways cherish you.  You who inform me, you who challenge me, you who teach me, you who believe in just ‘not doing nothing’, you who choose to make a difference, you who are my brothers/sisters-in-arms in a battle none of us want to be part.

If 2017 is not what you want it to be, MAKE IT what you want it to be.  We cannot do anything about what may come our way but we can certainly control how much it impacts us.  May 2017 be happy and healthy and may your inner wishes come true. Thank you for being part of my 2016, I look forward to what 2017 may hold for all of us.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

One reply on “Good-Bye 2016….and Thank……YOU!!!!!!”

I beleive 2017 will be fantastic if we want it to be so. There are only a few things that prevent us from being successful. World, nation or family collapse, for certain. Illness, accident, lack of love can cast a shadow.

But no matter the circumstance being as positive as possible is both refreshing and in this era unexpected. So for me, I chose to be unexpected.

Happy New Year!!!

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