
There Comes a Time When One Must Speak Out

UnderwearThere comes a time when one just cannot take it anymore.  The struggle to figure out which way the world is front, and which is back.  So many people stating which is the right way, which is the wrong way, and of course a whole bunch of people not talking at all.

I’m talking, of course, of the labels on our underwear.
Or as we used to say in the show, “My underwears”.

It used to be so simple.  The label went on the inside on the back.  Done.  No problem.
Not anymore.  Labels are on the side, the middle, the inside, the outside, the inside and the outside…..a fella just cannot tell anymore if they are on perfectly.  By the way, some women tell me they have it even worse……..but let one of them write about that dilemma, I have enough on my own.

I get it, it should be obvious, well it isn’t……not anymore.  The other day I put on my leopard……well….okay….they were Navy Blue….and the label was inside, outside…..just too difficult nowadays to figure out how to even get dressed in the morning.
I have better things to do with my time, thank you; like read the morning news.
Come to think of it, lately, those labels seem to be confusing many people as well.   I’ll stick with my own underwears, thank you.

I am a DiabetesDad.
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