
Don’t Let Diabetes WAG You!

dog wagMany times I am asked, “What’s the best way to handle this disease?”  Now many people will tell you that there is no wrong way or right way, but I disagree.  Sometimes I turn my head and cringe when I read things because I really do not engage in FB banter……about anything.

There seems to be, sometimes, this feeling that anything goes in the world of diabetes. If it works for my child then that makes it okay.
Now…….just hold on a minute.
I’m a firm believer in doing what is right, and I’m a firm believer in doing what works for your child.  My caution is what you base your decisions upon when you choose an approach to this disease.  If you do your due diligence in finding out as much as you can about a particular aspect of this disease; how to manage it, how to handle it…….then more power to you,

But know this—-you can not ‘skate’ with this disease.  It DOES NOT CARE what you ‘THINK’ you should do, it knows what it does.  Have you ever heard the phrase ‘WAG’ with your kids and their blood glucose levels?  Excuse my french but WAG means Wild Ass Guess.  Kids will just give a WAG when you ask…….the problem is that more and more, I am seeing people’s approach to this disease as a WAG.



I can share story upon story about people who REALLY knew what they were doing and ended up with not the best results.  If you are not at your best when it comes to knowledge,  you might get along for a while but your child will pay the price.   Each issue should be dealt with as soon as feasible.  If you think you need to know more……find out.  Read.  Ask questions.  Ask more questions.  Things with t1d do not ‘just get better’ they get better because you work at it.  They get better because you learn.

They get better because you act.

So, no; I’m not going to tell you what you should do with YOUR child.  But I am going to tell you that I have learned that there are many, many, many parents waiting to help you, but you have to ask.  Learn what there is to know and keep learning.   Know.  Don’t let diabetes WAG the patient.  Knowledge is the equalizer….never forget that point.

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

One reply on “Don’t Let Diabetes WAG You!”

I beleive that insulin, in particular, is such a dangerous medication. The only worse thing than the danger of insulin usage is the danger of not using it correctly. Your post is absolutely right on.

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