
No One Wins if No One Plays……Where Are YOU?

Clock nothingI had the opportunity, recently, to be in Washington DC.  I love Washington DC and it is one of the most exciting places on earth.  So much happens there and whether you love or hate whoever is in office does not change the fact how much occurs on any given day.

While I was there I had the opportunity to make an observation.  In just a matter of days, nurses, unions, fire-personnel, medical first responders, and students were “charging the hill” to have the opportunity to express to their elected official how important their issue was.  It was an attempt to make them hear about a certain legislation that needed to be voted upon one way or another.

There were thousands of people from each group I just mentioned.  Thousands.  All going up the hill at the same time.  Now just on those four days, whoever would be on the receiving end of whatever had to be said……..received an earful.  A BIG HUGE earful.  That was just those 4 days.  Now multiply all the days in session.  That is a  lot of meetings.   That is a lot of voices.  That is a lot of people.

So what makes you so sure your voice gets heard?

You get all ‘gussied-up’ to look your best.  You have your notes.  You have your heart-breaking story.  You have your photographs.  And you have the ask you want to ask.
Well so do hundreds, if not, thousands of other groups.  Different day.  Different group. You climb the ‘hill’, you meet, you take a nice picture, you may even get a memento to take back……..but what makes your story THE story that representative will remember? How do you know?

In truth, you don’t know.

We never know.  But doing nothing will get you just that…….nothing.   If you say nothing you most assuredly will get just that so when nothing happens because you did nothing you will never be surprised…..will you?

So when nothing gets done… you know.  So what will you do about it?  I leave that to you but it’s my guess that if you want a better future for your child, Just Don’t DO Nothing.

Yup, I’ve said it before and I most assuredly will say it again……..because so many movements could use……………………………….you!

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


3 replies on “No One Wins if No One Plays……Where Are YOU?”

Getting in the game is half of winning. If it is the NBA, getting to the last 2:00 minutes is what seems to make the biggest difference. I have no sense if participation makes the difference, but I do know that not joining the fight always succeeds in failure. (Or so the Pacers say so.)

Nicely said Nick..

Doing nothing can never be the option ..
There is a saying — “If you don’t try you will never be a winner” In fact if you don’t try you will never know what life actually is.
Doing something needs motivation and that motivation keeps one alive.

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