
Everything is Not Always as Appears

rooftop 1As many people know,  I spend a good deal of time up in the air.  Traveling is a part of my job and as I travel to so many places, I share that “I have to do what I do….I am driven.”   For my two kids with type 1 diabetes (T1D), I will travel anywhere I can to try to make a difference.  For the many people with whom I interact, they do what they do because of the goodness in their heart and I’m moved by so many, so often.

Many times people will ask me about ‘something’ in the news that has garnered headlines and being touted as something…… truth…….it is not.  I do not remember the words “fake news” until fairly recently and in the diabetes world, make no mistake……it exists.  Now there is a difference between varying philosophies and stories; that are just made up.  Treatments, elixirs, truth, and fiction all must be treated with caution because the plain in simple truth is because ‘someone’ says it……does not make it so.

So the picture above looks like it was taken at 38,000 feet from a plane and clearly, you can see the two metal structures that sit in the middle of the dense trees with various amounts of clearings mixed in.  Flying overhead one starts to think about those structures and what could be their possible use in the middle of such a forest?

Well, truth be known, the picture above was not taken from an airplane and, in actuality, was taken from my hotel window.  And it sits upon a rooftop.   Really my only and simple point is this; not everything is as it appears to be and in these ever and changing days, nothing can be taken at face value without checking facts.

It’s up to each and every one of us to make sure what we hear and learn………is truth. Because sometimes when people are shouting from the treetops, they’re doing nothing more than screaming from a ledge.
rooftop 2
Think about it.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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One reply on “Everything is Not Always as Appears”

Wonderful picture. I took a similar perspective picture of a structure in San Fransisco. It looked like an alien planet. It was actually a rock about the size of a golf ball. Perspective, it is all about perspective.

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