
Where Did Everyone Go?

wide eyed animalI still have a hard time understanding where people go after being active in diabetes causes for so long….one day…….poof, done.
“I am tired.”
“I cannot ask my friends for money anymore.”
“My kids are older now, let younger people take over.”
“I got so tired from broken promises… is all just a waste of time.”


So many times we tout that our children MUST keep at it, be vigilant, keep going no matter what.  What if when they turned 23 and just said, ‘no more’.  ‘I’m done.’  They can’t because they will die if they do that and do not think that they have not felt the burden of ‘doing diabetes’ 24/7.

For whatever reason you stopped…..look in the mirror and realize that it was a bad decision. No one says you have to take on the world like you used to, but no one says you should wither away and go away and do absolutely nothing either.   There’s room between running the largest event in the state and doing nothing anymore.  If we do not do for ourselves, ask yourself, “who will?”

We do not accept excuses from our kids, and honestly, they should not have to accept excuses from us……ever.  Why is any excuse bigger than the welfare of our kids and those like them?  Doing nothing will get absolutely nothing done.  So ask yourself where you fall on the spectrum………and get up off your comfy chair and do something.

I am a diabetes dad.
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