
My New Hero……..Is My “Maine Man”!

One of the greatest thing about the journey I am on, is the people I get to meet.  Not too long ago, I was asked to speak in Maine at the P-Pods annual event.  What a wonderful crowd.  After I spoke, I joined my friend Aaron Kowalski (who also spoke) from JDRF on stage for questions and answers.

Almost immediately a young man raised his hand, many call him Marky.  Marky is a young man who loves the New England Patriots and superheroes.  Imagine his delight when he had the opportunity to have dinner with Spider-Man & Captain America at Universal studies.  I called upon the 9 1/2 old and he asked; “I would like to write an article for your blog.  I read it and like it.  May I?”

I looked right at him and he was 100% serious.  I stated, “I have never let anyone in as a guest blogger before………”

Marky stood his ground looking at me and he did not move……..As I saw the determination on his face I thought to myself……”that changes now”.  Okay Marky—-you will be the first guest blogger I have ever allowed space; so without further adieu, I present the article from my new hero……..who needs no cape.

On my first day of fourth grade, I was excited that I was going to learn new things and that my classroom was finally upstairs!

I was a little worried too.

I had lots of new classmates, a new teacher, and a new ed tech. I know lots about Type 1 Diabetes, but was worried THEY might not. What if they didn’t know about high blood sugars, low blood sugars, and why I have extra snacks? What if they thought my pump was a gameboy? My phone was a regular phone, and who knows what they might think my meter was.

When I entered the classroom, after morning recess, I got to pick my seat. I wasn’t thinking about choosing a seat next to my best friend. I was thinking about choosing a seat next to my ‘ed tech’; in case I had an emergency. I hate it when my alarms go off in class and if I sit near my ‘ed tech’, I can make my alarms go bye-bye faster!

I ended up choosing a seat next to a new student. I soon realized she got distracted by my alarms and when I checked my blood sugar. I sometimes forget not everyone understands T1D. My teacher let me give a T1D 101 lesson. Unfortunately, right before my lesson I pulled my pump site out and had to leave early. We rescheduled for the week after. After my lesson we also had a Q & A session. It is important that my friends know about T1D so they can help me in an emergency.

T1D is a lot of work but, I have lots of people who can help me.

—–Marky, from Maine.

Thanks Marky
I am a diabetes dad.
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