
Everyone has a Choice……Here’s Mine, and Why. Happy Father’s Day.

Diabetes.  On September 25th, 1992, if you said that word to me it would mean nothing more than a disease within a list of thousands of diseases. On September 26th of the same year, the same word impacted my life as none other before or since.


It comes out of nowhere to wreak havoc in those diagnosed, especially those diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D), which USED TO occur predominately in children.  Now, it hits any age.
No rhyme.  No reason.  Just attack.  Life changed.  Now what?

I never expected to be in this ‘diabetes’ world much less to become an executive associated solely with one of the leading diabetes centers in the world.  It’s too long a story (for another day) how I got here but know this; I’m one fortunate man who spends practically every waking hour trying to end this disease, that impacts two of my three children, with people searching who believe as I do; that a cure will come.

One of the questions I’m asked constantly is if I still believe a cure will come and why is my support so much behind the Diabetes Research Institute?  I do believe a cure will come and before I answer why I believe so much in the DRI, I want to be clear about something.  There are many great organizations out there doing great things in this diabetes world.  I notice, at times, there’s debate within the diabetes community where financial support should be directed.  My answer has always been the same.  Do your homework, and YOU choose which one best fits your needs.  I respect all those who choose to ‘just not do nothing’ and spend their time where they see fit……I support as many as I can and many times through other moms, dads, and people with diabetes who I respect so I support those who advocate, ride, walk, run, or juggle plates for their organization.

My time, my career, and my finances are spent supporting an entity that opened its doors with one focus and they will close them only when THAT focus is realized……when a biological cure is found.  That’s it.  Many initiatives in the research world that have not produced THAT cure, have closed their doors or changed direction.  It’s frustrating when something does not work. But I support the DRI because they have continued to build upon their progress and have remained solely focused on the path to a cure. The scientists at the DRI, those closest to the research, believe that a cure is possible. And I know they will not stop until they reach that goal.

Re……search.   To look again.
And again, and again, and again when necessary, until the answer is found.  NO ONE entity does that more than the DRI……so it’s here that gets the most amount of my focus to the point that it has become my career, as well.  That razor-edged focus is what brought me here…..and keeps me here.
Cure focused…..only focus.

For this Father’s Day Month, the DRI is paying tribute to dads in the diabetes community.  I’m honored to not only be included to tell some of my story but also show a little bit about the Institute itself with a video tour…..and here it is (click here). It features another dad along with me who not only has T1D but who is a top researcher, as well.  The DRI has also been given a $75,000 Father’s Day match and there’s an opportunity for you to help reach that goal as well. Click here for the direct link to donate if you like. The choice is yours, but the video gives you a little taste of why I spend so much of my life with the DRI.  Enjoy it.  Happy Father’s Day.
I am a diabetes dad.
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