
2018, The Year People Died Because of PURE Greed.

There was a chill in the air as 2018 nervously tapped one leg than the other.  Every other year had to wait outside and 2018 was sure it was planned to be made to wait until the Boss came in.

The Boss came in out of breath and stood behind the desk, red-faced and staring at 2018.  Both did not speak at all for what seemed like an eternity.

Really?  Really 2018?  Each and every year I had to let your predecessors go because they did not fulfill the goal of finding a cure.  It’s a mandate of every year to take us closer…….to find a cure.  But you, 2018, you did the complete opposite.

2018 started to speak; I……I……I’m not sure……

The Boss broke in; Hush up.  I’m furious, 2018.  Livid.  Angry. Disappointed.  And I won’t even get to the subject of a cure.  Not at all 2018.  I have one word that continues to infuriate me.  One word.  (screaming now) Do you know that one word, 2018… you know the word?

2018 stared down at the ground and the tears uncontrolled spilled out of each eye and fell to the carpet below.

Yes, I think so.

The boss leaned forward on the desk and burned a hole into 2018 with a stare both steaming hot and frigid cold at the same time.

Insulin, 2018…..the word is Insulin!  Every year before you 2018, made an argument to be kept even though a cure was not found and quite frankly, I owed it to them to consider—-to almost allow them to continue based upon some of their INCREDIBLE advancements,  but not you 2018.   CERTAINLY NOT YOU!  How could something so crucial be kept out of the hands of those in need based solely upon cost?  REALLY 2018……it’s money?  Greed?  Pure Greed?  And it does not lay at the feet of the Insulin Companies, that is too easy an answer, and it is not an accurate one either.  There needs to be open disclosure…..the Insurance companies, the retailers, and most of all; the PBMs (Plans Benefit Managers).  Buybacks, rebates, and everything else that adds to the burden of the patient.  I’M SICK OF IT 2018! DO YOU HEAR ME?

The Boss stopped.  Just stared at 2018 who had nothing to say.   No defense.  No words, No retort. No possibilities.  Just……..nothing.

The Boss spoke almost in a whisper.  People died this year 2018 because of utter and stupid greed. People were forced to ration their insulin, and some plainly had to go without.  Shame enough for all.  Everybody pointing fingers at someone else.  “Not my fault” said by almost everyone.  And yet a son, a daughter, a mom, a dad, a relative, a person who was loved was buried, 2018, because they could not afford the one thing to keep them alive………………………………(The Boss yelled)  Insulin, 2018, INSULIN!!!!!!!!!

The silence was deafening.

The Boss with face covered and a whisper of a voice.:
Just get out 2018.  The cure wished for was actually overshadowed by people who cannot afford their insulin.  They died, 2018, they died.  Just get out, you were the biggest failure I’ve ever encountered in all my years.

There was nothing more to say.  2018 got up and walked out never even turning around or uttering another word.  As 2018 opened the door, left, and got into the elevator; the Administrative Assistant hurried into the Boss’ office.  The Boss stared out the windows behind the huge oak desk.

Should I send in 2019, Boss?

The tears rolled down both cheeks of the Boss.
Give me a minute.  (Sigh) Hopefully 2019 will have the correct priorities and we can focus back on that cure.  Someone needs to make a difference.  Insulin must become affordable for all.  Let’s hope 2019 is the one to do so.

We can hope so Boss, we can surely hope so.

The Boss sighed.  Show in 2019.

I am a DiabetesDad.
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