With special apologies to Clement Moore. I present what has become an annual tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2019
‘Twas the night before
Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The meters, CGMs, and supplies were put away with such care,
In hopes that Santa would bring the cure with him this year.
The children were
nestled from head to their feeties,
While thoughts in their head were no more diabetes.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, she prayed for the cure too,
A dad still wonders what else could he do.
Remembering this year;
CGMs enough to fill up a bin,
All so new, fast, and even under the skin,
Insulin is still with a cost way too high,
Government should act, stop asking why.
Some say a crime and
even a sin
Outrageous price for one dose of insulin
The community raised voices loud and concise,
Costs are too far and need to lower in price.
The voices were loud
and the voices were clear,
We will shout as one, we all have no fear.
Insulin is not a luxury, stop causing such strife,
Insulin for all it is needed for life.
Many things were good,
many things were fun,
Diabetes awareness campaigns are still being done.
The word is important for everyone to hear,
Capitol Hill hearing our voices, we’re getting in gear.
Others will take the
lead and we will all see
Better products, more work, and good advocacy.
Better pumps, insulin, and CGMS by the score,
There’s plenty coming and we’re screaming for more.
When you look outside
at the fresh fallen snow,
so many are doing, so many you don’t know,
Think of those who inspire and soon you’ll see,
Things will move forward and continue to be.
The life is not the
greatest fighting this disease.
Continue to ask as you drop to your knees
That things will get better and rightfully quick,
Good things to come, and not all from St. Nick.
So listen carefully as
you think what needs to be done,
If you have an idea, launch it, take it and run.
Don’t leave it to others; it’ll be just a few,
“Don’t do nothing” is what you really must do.
And if you think
you’re done, tired, and feeling sort of sore,
Think of your loved one with diabetes, it’ll make you do more.
And if not for you, it will be for their sake,
We won’t stop at all till they all get a break.
And then, in a
twinkling, one day we’ll hear on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
And the only thing needed in Santa’s bag for sure,
Is when diabetes is gone because of a cure.
So we will all
continue to work, the ‘where’ is up to you,
But you have to make the decision on something you’ll do.
And one day we’ll scream and exclaim, “diabetes is gone from sight,”
The Happiest Christmas ever, and to all a good-night!
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’
One reply on “Twas the Night Before dChristmas 2019”
A Christmas tradition in the DOC.