
Who. who. who? WHO?

OwlUnfair insurance practices. Fund raising for diabetes causes. New laws needed to protect the rights of people with T1D.  Patients dying, or becoming seriously ill, because of the missed diagnosis of T1D.  Schools not understanding their students facing T1D. Diabetes in third world countries.  People unable to afford diabetes supplies.  Supplies covered, or actually not covered, by Medicare/Medicaid.  Meter accuracy.  Camps.  Diabetes education.  The list is almost endless.

When it comes to diabetes, there is NO SHORTAGE of causes surrounding the disease.  What there is a shortage of, are the people to get the job done.  The plain and simple truth is that if we, as a community, do not fight for these causes…..who will?  Who understands better than us?  Who can speak better than we can?

It is, and will remain, up to us.

If we take that as mere rhetoric, if we say I do not have time, or if we say let someone else do it……much WILL NOT get done.  And maybe I have to resign myself that it is what it is and what gets done will get done.  People who read this very well may be the very same people doing more than enough already.  And if that IS you, than thank you for caring.  Caring for my kids, and your kids, or yourself, or the millions of others out there who are on this journey.

It just seems to me, that if there are almost 30 million people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the United States (worldwide, that number increases), and if each had two people who care about them; that is an army of 90 million people.  If just 1% of that number were ‘doing something’—-ANYTHING—-that would mean 900,000 people are doing something to better the lives of those who battle diabetes.

There are not 900,000 people doing something…….and that makes me sad.  Just 1%.  So I ask, with a list a mile long…………………who will make a difference?

I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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