
This Year’s Lisa Awards

It is now in year 12 that my dear friend and wife of my Little Brother (from another mother but just as close)Mark has left this world.  Lisa was a one-of-a-kind woman who proved to the world that one person, just one, is all it takes to change the world; the Power of One.  In […]


I Just Can’t Do It Anymore

At some point or another, we parents seem to come to a roadblock where we feel horrible but realize that just one more shot, one more low, one more sleepless night; well, we’ll just completely lose it. The thought, “I just can’t do it anymore” comes to the forefront of our mind. We look in […]


Dear Newly Diagnosed Family……

I read in a recent FB post about a parent who was filled with despair and absolute loss that their child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. My column, this month’s column, is dedicated to you. Dear Parent to the Child Newly Diagnosed with T1D, Let me begin by saying how sorry I am that […]


What Have We Become?

I ‘m not quite sure why? Perhaps it ‘s the culture or the climate of late, but does anyone else sense there is a different feeling among posts on social media dealing with diabetes, and the management therein for one’s self or for their child? It’s as if the the number one rule of years […]


You can Make a Difference Right Now….and it’s SOOOOOO Easy!

Okay my friends——this is about as easy as it gets to make a difference. You can help the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) raise $50,000 and you do not have to give a dime out of your pocket, but just allow your opinions to be heard. ANYONE CAN BE PART. Real simple, right on your phone:Text […]


2020 Owes Us an Apology….but…..

As we head into the final week of 2020, do you find yourself saying, as so many are saying, 2020 owes us an apology? What a year. We certainly have experienced loss in our circle from COVID, as so many have and it has not been an easy year for anyone. The impact of everything […]