
“It’s the Holidays, My Child Cannot Eat THAT!!!!”

“My child cannot do anything for Christmas.  No cookies, no gingerbread houses, no egg nog….I get so depressed during the holidays.” I would truly like to know where people get these notions that their kids, because of their diabetes, cannot eat different things for the holidays.  I would really like this article today to be where people […]


“At Least I Wasn’t Last.” Why, I Swear, I will keep at this Until the Cure is Found!

That was Kaitlyn’s line to me today as she finished her first 5K.  “At least I wasn’t last.”  She stated that to me as she looked at the people who came in before her and the people who were still crossing the finish line. It is more than what our kids accomplish, it’s what they […]


The Child in Your Life Can Receive a Personal Letter from Santa Claus!!!!!

SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To prove it, Ol’ Saint […]


The Sound of Music….Just a Few Random Thoughts.

NOTE: No diabetes stuff in this article—just some thoughts about The Sound of Music Live.  In over 30 years a full-scale production of a musical had failed to find a way on to the TV screen and into our living rooms.  To be enjoyed, or as was the case last night, immediately judged. My, how […]


A Mom’s Diaversary Tribute to Her Son…….May We All Be So Fortunate.

This is an incredible tribute from a mom to her son who has lived with diabetes for 12 years.  Stacey Nagel is about as much a shoot-from-the-hip person as you will ever meet.  She is as strong as she is in her honest approach to everything.  She lost her house in Super Storm Sandy, she […]


People with T1 Diabetes……..Are they Considered…….”Healthy”? Your Thoughts?

I was with a group of people recently and we were discussing some things and one woman stated, referring to her children, “At least my kids are healthy.” Well one of the children has diabetes.  the child was there and her face told me she felt something different, other than healthy. So I started wrestling with this discussion […]