….who is Mary Podjasek. She will tell you about her fabulous Board of Directors and she will tell you all of the help she gets but the simple truth is that when the Diabetes Scholars Foundation began, someone had to be at the helm from the start to make it work…..that person is Mary Podjasek. You […]
A good friend of mine lost their dad today. It was, and is, sad. This seems to be happening a lot lately and it’s the cycle of life that now christens us to the fact that we have now become our parents. If you are in your thirties or early forties, you probably have not […]
….who is Manny Hernandez. Manny is no stranger to the diabetes community and his impact is felt world-wide. He was an Engineer from Venezuela, a Web Product Manager and an Internet Marketing Specialist with type 1 diabetes, Manny became determined to push social networks beyond plain socializing in late 2006. In 2007, he started TuDiabetes.org and […]
Well it’s here…….NOVEMBER. The ‘holiday season’ for people with diabetes. Diabetes awareness month, world diabetes day, blue, blue, blue……….right? Really? I have watched this month pass for the better part of twenty-one years now and please excuse me if I don’t get too excited. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Big Blue Test that the Diabetes Hands […]
Halloween was always a huge deal in my house growing up. Two words; Villa Court. Villa Court, in Hempstead, New York was an apartment complex for middle class families about 10 blocks from my house. That meant they were home and there were probably 100 units with about 6-8 apartments each. On Halloween, you could go to one […]
This is without-a-doubt one of the most touching stories you will ever see……….methinks there just might be hope for our youth yet. Perfect. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPCFZ0nvRUs I am a diabetes dad Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.