Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? And thus began the opening of the special Glee tribute with the words of this wonderful song from the Broadway Musical, Rent, to their beloved character, Finn, who […]
There’s no question as one watches football this month that there is an agreement that the color pink will be worn in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink towels, sneakers, even mouth guards….all in pink. I think it’s fabulous and I sit on the sidelines watching with a bit of envy that it is not blue […]
This is taken from this site: Click it to see it in its original format. To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II In light of your failure to financially manage yourselves and inability to effectively govern yourselves responsibly, we hereby give notice of the revocation […]
Ol’ Blue eyes will have to step aside for a bigger and better blue starting on October 15. It is on this date when people should be participating in the Big Blue Test. Running from October 15 until November 14 people will participate by testing their blood glucose level, getting active for 14 to 20 minutes, testing again, […]
I was reading a story recently about whether or not a parent should address an issue with the school invoking their 504 policy. In other words, was it diabetes that made the child act in a certain way or was it just a child being a child? I have to admit that while our kids […]
Dear Leaders on Capitol Hill, Because there is a clause, a statement, a law, a glitch, an understanding, a phrase called mandatory spending; you all get a pay check this week. And yet there are no provisions from the country they served, and gave their life, for a mother to bury a returning soldier? Shame on […]