We use the word diabetes with such familiarity, don’t we? How was your diabetes today, diabetes came to visit, diagnosed with diabetes, ‘no not that one, the one without diabetes’; are all just some of the phrases that have crept into our every day language. I was all set to tell you about today, which […]
School. It makes sense to think at some point our kids will be given the opportunity to share diabetes at school as part of a project. Perhaps a classroom speech. Perhaps a science project. If you have not been faced with this decision, you very well may. I recently read a story of a young man, […]
This is not a rock’em sock’em story. This is a real story with a real message. It’s a story of struggles. It’s a story of perseverance. It’s a story of diabetes. It’s the story of a young man who had a dream. You may have heard his name before, but you have never seen him unless you […]
Diabetes was in our house for about a month. The time Jill and I took off from work was winding down. Some decisions had to be made. Some provisions had to be made. Some sacrifices had to be made. Who would work and how long; and who would stay home? It’s not an easy decision […]
“I’m so sorry.” Pause Pause “You know my grandfather had diabetes and he………” (You get the idea) This is a very popular response when people are informed that two of my kids have diabetes. I usually end up reminding them again when they are done with the tirade of all the complications their loved one lived […]
I watched the Michael J. Fox Show this week. Michael’s show deals with a beloved news reporter who is hit with Parkinson’s Disease and must leave the newsroom. He decides to return after a few years. Instead of acknowledging the Parkinson’s is their ‘somewhere-but-let’s-not-acknowledge-it’, the show hits it head on. Mr. Fox, living with it daily, well no […]