Two very popular members of the Diabetes Advocates are reporting news that many of us have been waiting for some time to hear…… two years. I just read about the fact that the folks from J&J’s Animas have finally submitted for the FDA approval process here in the USA from Bennet Dunlap, a huge follower and ‘sharer’ […]
There has been one phrase that has stuck with me for the last 24 hours, almost to the minute, of the massacre in Boston. That phrase is this: “We had no prior intelligence warning of this incident”. It was said across the media; time and time and time again. There was no warning. Well if that […]
A Massacre in Boston
Again. A terrorist attack yet again. From someone who spent 36 straight hours in Lower Manhattan on September 11th, 2001 helping in a way I could have never imagined (that story at another time); my head started to swirl with the news coming from Boston Massachusetts yesterday. One of the world’s most famous runs, the […]
Some ???????? for a Monday?
Questions to think about for a Monday. Why is that every political figure from local, state, and federal auspices tout how they ‘held the line on taxes’ and I am paying more than I ever paid? Why are all the elected leaders on Capitol Hill not opting in for the same medical care the rest of […]
The flip side of the coin. Lately there has been much, much, debate about various aspects of gun control in this country. WIthout stating one way or the other I say let the debate continue until a resolve is reached that hopefully may have aspects enough to satisfy the advocacy of both sides. But I’m […]
After speaking to a mom who lost a child recently, who is dealing with the loss on her own even though I gave her many resources which she stated she may utilize, I was struck by the voices we have lost that must remain ‘loud’ with all that we do. I wrote the following after […]