I like to support people doing things to help a diabetes cause…..today is such a day. people do bike rides….but when someone really ‘does not’ and attempts 185 miles and having diabetes (with training of course)—-well I believe that is noteworthy. So here is Samantha and her ride, which started to help find a cure […]
There are bridges you cross You didn’t know you crossed Until you’ve crossed… —-from the Broadway Musical, WICKED It ‘s hard to imagine that one can change without knowing we have actually changed. Or as it says in the song; that we have crossed a bridge that we did not know we crossed until we […]
When doing a PSA or public service announcement, it’s always a fine line to capture all you can in just about 30 seconds. I have been working on this PSA for months, understanding that the viewer will probably know little or nothing about diabetes. Redoing, cutting, tweaking, and the entire time realizing that the REAL message […]
Diabetes is a disease. No question to that point. Diabetes is a business. Don’t fool yourself for one second to think it’s not. With the ‘buzz’ circling about the recent decision about insurance giant United Health Care allowing Medtronic as their preferred pump of choice and leaving others to scramble—-we need to take a hard look at […]
There are companies that serve the public with more feeling toward their stock holders than toward their patients. I have said time and time again, health insurance companies fit this bill more than any other company I know. I also believed that little can be done to fight these corporates giants…………..until recently. There was a […]
Today is my birthday. I am one blessed man. For 58 years (I know, you thought I was much younger—-okay so lie, it’s my birthday) I have walked this earth and have met the most incredible people. I AM ONE LUCKY guy. My wish, as I blow out my birthday candles today will remain the same […]