I’m always amazed at the stories I hear out there. the lack of knowledge is truly astounding. From us, as parents, to the medical profession……the comments I read so often boggles my mind. Actually, it used to infuriate me but it happens so often now, I am down to ‘eye-rolling’. There is also a very […]
School’s Open REAL soon. Many people have asked me this week for a copy of our 504 plan which we proposed to the school. There are many out there if you look around and certainly no one owns the market on what a 504 plan looks like and by looking at a few, you may […]
As a follow-up to the survey I took in the diabetes community, I promised a state-by-state breakdown of some of the results. If it helps when/if you meet with your state representative, feel free to use it, just be clear on how the data was acquired (that it is not completely scientific etc. etc.). Again as […]
A few weeks ago I started a survey. The survey began as a project to obtain statistics regarding missed diagnosis of DKA while being diagnosed with diabetes. What I found out was both educational and alarming. Today I share with you what I found out. LET’S BE VERY CLEAR FROM THE BEGINNING. This was an exercise […]
I have always been fascinated with the new technology that has come along since Kaitlyn was diagnosed in 1992. When she was first diagnosed, we heard all about this ‘new thing’ coming that was right on the door step for everyday commercial use. It would dispense insulin in small doses and using an actual needle […]
My child starts school in less than a month and has diabetes……I’m so nervous, I could die. Wait. My youngest is in college now. Whew. Sorry. I forgot. I was thinking they were all still in elementary/middle/high school. It’s just at about this time every year I have that anxiety attack and as my youngest […]