
While You Slept…..DKA and Undiagnosed T1D Did Not Go Away!!!!!

I’m constantly reminded how good and cool people are in what they do everyday.  Some with lots of fanfare, some quiet and methodically–but make no mistake, people are doing lots of good things. Since this campaign of trying to bring awareness about undiagnosed T1D and DKA began, I have seen many people do incredible things.  When many […]


Cabinets, and Refrigerators, and Closets…..Oh MY!

Anyone who has a child understands this phrase said to the rhythm of Dorothy’s; Lions and Tigers and Bears…Oh My . In actuality there are many more places than that which holds all of the supplies needed to manage our children living with diabetes.  I honestly don’t EVEN KNOW how we have everything stored correctly. With […]


First Responders……They Just May Need You to Teach Them…….But Don’t Wait!!!!!

In some communities, they volunteer.  In some communities, they are a paid team.  In either case and in most cases, the fire department and ambulance service in your area are usually very well-trained to handle any emergency that comes along. These brave souls come out in all different hours of the day and night and […]