
Crossroad: It Starts Today….You make the call.

There was a family I knew growing up.   Three boys until they finally had the girl they wanted.  They were a regular family, like any other regular family; whatever that may mean.  I’m constantly amazed at people who, after their child is diagnosed with diabetes (or with anything for that matter), think the world has […]


Travel…….High Anxiety! One Very Simple Rule will Go a Long Way at TSA!!!!!!

There is a list full of things to do when you are about to embark on travel that will take you through security.  You can find them all over the internet and I’m not going to rehash all of it again today. I have read where parents have had nightmare experiences with their children and their […]


Be Honest, Don’t you Really Just Want to Shoot Someone, Sometimes?????

Did you seriously say that about my child with diabetes? No I did not give them too many sweets. Ever have anyone come to you and with all sincerity in their eyes say, “I know exactly what you are going through, my dog had diabetes.” Really?   I mean Really? When our second child was diagnosed; “Tom, […]