
Diabetes and D.A.D.s Day…… American Tradition…….DO You Know About It???????

Did you know what Father’s Day has to do with diabetes?  Dollars Against Diabetes (D.A.D.) has been around for over 35 years.  So while many dads around the country get the b-b-qs ready, there is another group of DADs getting ready to help raise money for your kids and mine; so that one day a cure may be […]


The Time Diabetes Tried to Hire a P.R. Agency……….

Reading the sign on the building; McMillian Artists and Associates; diabetes walked into the world leader in public relations firms.  Diabetes stopped at the reception desk. “May I help you?” “Yes.  I was hoping to become a client, is there someone I can speak to?” The receptionist made a few calls and in a few […]


Nine Shot Dead in a SC Church…….We TRULY Need to Change!!!!!

My heart is heavy today.  A lunatic walked into a church and shot a whole group of people, praying in South Carolina.   It’s sickening.  Nine are dead. Police are calling it a hate crime.  They are better than I because I do not have word for this; hate almost seems like we are letting him off […]


What Do You Do For………uhmmmm……….YOU?

How many times have you heard someone say that you have to look out after yourself?  But do you hear that question……do you actually hear it?  The simple truth of the matter is that you do no one any good, especially yourself, if you do not take the time to do something that you like to […]


Not All, BUT in Many Cases Dads want to Help with T1 Care…….We REALY do!!!!!!!!

It’s the week of Father’s Day.  Dads seem to get a bad rap when it comes to diabetes.  For many, many people; as you read their stories or the posts about their lives, the dads are almost non-existent.  But they aren’t.  They are there. Years ago I did a survey.  It was a non-scientific survey.  What […]


What You Don’t Know, Could……….(Well You Know the Rest)!!!!

The late, great, film critic for Time Magazine, Richard Corliss; had a very prepared answer for anyone who would ask him, ‘Anything worth seeing lately?”  To which his constant response was, “Everything is worth seeing.”  The meaning is simple; the more you open yourself up to the world around you the more you will know.  Even […]