
The Clocks Being Turned Back IS NOT YOUR ONLY Job this Weekend.

Well first of all……Happpppppy Halllloweeeen.  🙂  What a fun day, and when it’s on a weekend, perfection.  Enjoy. You will go to bed tonight and you will turn your clocks back one hour; Fall…..behind;  Spring…..forward.  The fire department has utilized this occurrence twice a year to remind folks to change your batteries in all of […]


A Dog, A Caring Heart……and a Lesson for All of Us!!!!!

It’s just a cute black dog.  But what happened with this black dog is a very important lesson for all of us to learn.  My son was home when our dogs starting barking like crazy.  When they did not stop shortly after they started, Rob went to investigate what was causing the commotion. A  black […]


You Can’t Take it With You…….So Don’t!!!!! You May Kill Someone Otherwise.

I had the pleasure to hear Dr. Jay Skyler tonight.  Dr. Skyler is not just a superstar in the diabetes world, he is a superstar of superstars.  He is a Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Psychology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Academic Programs at the […]


Google + Dexcom??? Really???…..An Interview with Dexcom CEO, Kevin Sayer.

When I first heard that ‘something’ was happening between Google and Dexcom, my ears perked up immediately.  I’m such a firm believer that staying within your box, in anything diabetes, eventually leads to being confined to four sides, a bottom, and top flaps.  It’s crucial for any researchers, all researchers, whether for a cure or for […]


Has Modern Technology Made ‘Diabetes Police’ Parents….uhm….Diabetes CIA? Want your Input?

There is a dilemma we face that could use the help of…….well……someone….perhaps you.  With ‘diabetes technology’ at an all time high (pun intended), there are increasing numbers of ways that we as parents can stay in touch with our children to keep an eye on their blood sugar via the cloud, cell phones etc etc to make […]


Tired of the Undiagnosed T1 Entering DKA…….Roll Up Your Sleeves……Some Suggestions.

There certainly has been much activity surrounding DKA Awareness of late and that is a very good thing; the reason will always sting, but good that change could be coming.  If we are to make a dent in this awareness, work; a lot of work, needs to get done.  I have had conversations all weekend […]