
Has Modern Technology Made ‘Diabetes Police’ Parents….uhm….Diabetes CIA? Want your Input?

There is a dilemma we face that could use the help of…….well……someone….perhaps you.  With ‘diabetes technology’ at an all time high (pun intended), there are increasing numbers of ways that we as parents can stay in touch with our children to keep an eye on their blood sugar via the cloud, cell phones etc etc to make […]


Tired of the Undiagnosed T1 Entering DKA…….Roll Up Your Sleeves……Some Suggestions.

There certainly has been much activity surrounding DKA Awareness of late and that is a very good thing; the reason will always sting, but good that change could be coming.  If we are to make a dent in this awareness, work; a lot of work, needs to get done.  I have had conversations all weekend […]


Was Your Child DX via DKA???? Surely Could Use Your Help…..Need this Post Shared, Please.

THIS NOTE ADDED ON 8/2/15:  I HAVE ENOUGH FOR NOW…..DO NOT NEED ANYMORE PICTURES/STORIES AT THIS TIME.  As many of you know, about 18 months ago I began the Child’s Cry for Change campaign which tackled the missed diagnosis of T1 diabetes head-on.  Shortly there after, Kim May (a mom from Texas) and I started […]


Walking Thin Ice Here…….Are Dads/Spouses Doing More In Day-to-day Management??????

Now I know I’m absolutely skating on thin ice here at the deepest part of the pond, but I found myself asking a question based on recent observations.  It seems that with the recent and ever-growing use of technologies to manage day-to-day diabetes; dads/spouses seem to be playing more of an active role than before…..has anyone […]


A Mom Needs Our Help!!!!!!

I have always stated that the number one service I could ever provide to this community is connection… is such a day. A mom has a child with diabetes.  Recently epilepsy has been diagnosed as well.  As you could imagine there is much to know on mixing various meds; plus the fear of the unknown; […]


I’m Sorry……….I just had NOTHING Else Inside Me Today.

I have to tell you all; as those who share this journey with me.  I just could not write anything else today.  These three little faces have kept me up all night.  I understand how ALL OF THIS works.  I have been at this a long, long time with two kids living with diabetes.  But […]