
A Mom Needs Our Help!!!!!!

epilepsyI have always stated that the number one service I could ever provide to this community is connection… is such a day.

A mom has a child with diabetes.  Recently epilepsy has been diagnosed as well.  As you could imagine there is much to know on mixing various meds; plus the fear of the unknown; plus, possibly, just speaking to someone else who is not ‘guessing’ at all of this can be a huge help.

If you have a child with epilepsy and T1 Diabetes and will allow me to share your email with her; kindly send to my email at  In the subject line, write Epilepsy and Diabetes.  Include your name, and how old your child is and I will pass it along to the mom with whom I discussed.

We have all been through ‘stuff’ where having a kindred spirit surely helps.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  In this together, as I say.

I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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