Today we were supposed to write about swapping diseases. Many people had fabulous comments about this topic but the absolute best answer came from my Godson/Nephew (I AM SOOOOO PROUD) speaking about his son who has Cystic Fibrosis. I am a tad ashamed I did not think of it first… IS the perfect answer from […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
This week is blog week and we, the DOC Bloggers, have all been given a title for each day of the week and asked to write on this topic.the fourth entry into blog week we are asked to address the following title: FREAKY FRIDAY. If you could switch chronic disease, which one would you choose to deal […]
This week is blog week and we, the DOC Bloggers, have all been given a title for each day of the week and asked to write on this topic.the fourth entry into blog week we are asked to address the following title: What is our greatest accomplishment big or small. As in most things in this journey […]
This week is the third entry into blog week where we are asked to address the following title: Memories–share our most memorable diabetes day…choose anything. Anyone who knows me knows that one of the biggest goals we strive toward is normalcy. Now I know of people where normalcy means many things; one thing it has […]
The NY Post is reporting that rich people are hiring handicapped tour guides so they, and their rich little kids, can cut the lines at Disney. Well if this just doesn’t beat all tacky and stupid low down tricks. This is why people who need them have so much trouble getting the ‘Guest Assistance Passes”……….welcome to the Diabetes Dad […]