
Our Baby Newly Diagnosed…….What Next?

Do you question your child’s future? In 1992 when Kaitlyn was diagnosed, insulin pumps were just coming around to commercial use.  At that time, the management tools were better than they were years ago, but of course not as good as they are today.  When Kaitlyn was diagnosed, we were devastated.  We learned many things […]


A Mother’s Love……a Daughter’s Dream…….an Unbreakable Bond.

I have stated millions of times that my children could not have been luckier than to have the mother that God granted them.  When I opened this picture, tears flowed down my face. Kaitlyn’s Bridal Shower was this weekend and those two smiling faces would make any man’s heart overflow.  Over the next few weeks […]


Diabetes Under Siege…….Only WE Can Change it!

If you look around the world today, you can easily see that there are many voices rising for many injustices.  Injustices, in some cases, which have been occurring for decades; if not centuries.  Speaking for myself, I’m glad to see the dial of injustices just begin to move.  Women are as equal to any man […]


Newly Diagnosed T1D in Your Family? A Letter FOR YOU!

Dear Newly Diagnosed Family with T1D, Welcome.  I’m sorry, but welcome.  If the diagnosis of diabetes has entered your household and you feel as if the world has completely come undone, I would like to share a little of a journey that is now just over 25 years. Kaitlyn was 2 when diagnosed in 1992 […]


In the Wake of Diabetes Awareness Month…….Time for Something New?

So far during this month of Diabetes Awareness, I have read and/or seen hundreds, perhaps thousands, of postings and writings across social and other media sources. All things about education, inspiration, awareness, and advocacy.  Incredible and wonderful ‘happenings’. And yet…… I ask myself what has changed?  No one is to blame, these are ALL WONDERFUL.  […]