
Diabetes Under Siege…….Only WE Can Change it!

Under SiegeIf you look around the world today, you can easily see that there are many voices rising for many injustices.  Injustices, in some cases, which have been occurring for decades; if not centuries.  Speaking for myself, I’m glad to see the dial of injustices just begin to move.  Women are as equal to any man and coming from the home/upbringing I came from, I never felt differently.  When a black person cannot ride down the street and feel safe merely because they are in a ‘wrong neighborhood’–there is something wrong.

All combinations of these injustices come into play but the important thing that I have seen, is that the voice to equalize wrong doing is loud and clear.  People and media who thought they could say anything and do anything are finding out that is not the case so much these days.  It needs to be honest and not merely to capture readers.

I’m encouraged now more than ever that new voices will move to the front of the pack and be heard.

Now my writing today is not about politics and the world around us.  After all, ours is the diabetes world, right?  For over twenty-five years I have heard so many injustices that those in the diabetes world feel.  Real problems.  I also feel like we move on from one problem to the next pressing problem, without first finishing the battle at hand.

Prices of insulin are still way too high.  People are still becoming gravely ill and dying from the missed diagnosis of T1D.  The world at large still does not understand the difference of diabetes…..and some actually believe one is lesser a problem than the other.  Medicare and Medicaid needs help and guidance.  And by and large people still are under the belief that everyone working in their own silo, and not united, is the best way to work……but is it?

If you follow the world lately, the two words that come to my mind more than any other are the words, “UNDER SIEGE”.  The groups of people demanding action is because they had enough…..’we are under siege and it stops now.”  The message is delivered and it is continued EVERYWHERE.  It becomes one voice.  Loud, clear, and most importantly: Unified.

It’s now time.  As long as all diabetes groups spend their efforts in 32 different arenas, no one will hear us.  All diabetes groups can still do what they need to do; advocacy, college life, fund research, fund projects but why can’t there be an underlying theme each year.  Remember the “Year of the Child”.

We are under siege but there are so many causes that no one cause is really moving the needle……is it?  Why can’t 2018 be the year Insulin costs are examined completely.  Not for a press release how wonderful an organization is looking; but imagine for REAL action.   If every trip up to Washington is about this topic, if every event is attached to that message, the message would be loud and clear.
“XYZ Charity held their walk today to help find a cure but Joe Smith the Walk Chairman stated, ‘this is also to raise our voices about those who cannot afford to take insulin because the prices are too high.  We need better examination of the current health care system.”  2019; different topic,  2020; different topic.

Get it.  I guarantee we will look back in 2023 and see how we have accomplished.  If you looked back now; could we say that?  It’s time for everyone to ‘do their thing’ but with a message on an arch each year.  Loud and clear.

The world will not know we are under siege, unless we tell them.  But with so many different messages, and so many different voices trying to be heard results in……well…….no one hearing anybody.  For over 25 years I have observed us as a community.  Incredible.  Passionate.  Brilliant.  The one thing we have not been, is a single voice.  We need to look at it because as so many other groups active in the world are teaching us…………………….it’s time
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

4 replies on “Diabetes Under Siege…….Only WE Can Change it!”

When my son was diagnosed with T1d at the beginning of 1988 I was told by his medical team that the only people who are movers and shakers and get the job done are the parents of children with chronic illness because they are the ones who actually care!

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