
CGM? Insulin Pump?…..Is it JUST the Parent’s Decision?

I wear glasses for reading.  I hate them.  I hate that my age caught up with me and those letters became fuzzier and fuzzier until the inevitable became the reality…..I got glasses.  I hate wearing something on my body that was not born with me into this world. I’m sure you can see where this is […]


Halloween, Diabetes……Be Afraid, Very Afraid…….REALLY?????

This week is Halloween.  Halloween means so much to kids.  Our kids with diabetes are no exception.  I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to get for her.” People can surely be wonderful.  We were discussing this weekend, over coffee, that each year there was […]


Good A1C??????….Don’t be So Quick to Jump Up and Down.

I have written, on many occasions, how an A1C should be used as a gauge in our children’s diabetes tool box (or for yourself if you live with it every day 🙁  sorry).  I have constantly stated that it is a gauge to be watched and adjusted but not to live by the results and beat […]


Canada Reminds Us…A Letter To Our Elected Officials…Do You Remember?

My article yesterday was to our friends in Canada.  I received a message of thanks from someone and she added this at the end of the message: “…..the leaders of our three parties shared public hugs and well wishes(in our current government, this is totally rare- they’re usually verbally fighting)….” As we get closer to our […]


To My Canadian Friends……….With Love.

I started writing my article today and I am filled with the horror and sadness of the news from our neighbors to the north.  And I am compelled to relay my feelings. My heart aches today for Canada. A soldier, standing at a tomb of unknown soldiers—unarmed—gunned down for the reasons we all now know as […]


A Painful Event, Tears….and a Few Lessons to Share….My Little Girl.

Funny that at the age of 24 my eyes still see her as the picture I posted.  She is not of course and she is an incredible woman who I am so positive will have an incredible impact on so many.  But parents know that no matter the scenario, we see them so young. I have sat […]