
Sometime Forgiveness Starts with the Person in the Mirror………It IS TRULY Okay.

Years ago, many years ago, when I was a fairly new driver I was driving down a street on a gorgeous fall day.  There was a car coming the other way, and there was another parked on the same side of the street as the oncoming car.  Ahead of me was a pile of leaves and […]


Your Child’s Outlook………Is Not Magic to Figure Out.

It was a FB question that should have been simple enough; how long has everyone been dealing with diabetes? I answered with just a factual regard; 21+ years (dx at 2) for one and 4+ years (dx at 13) for the other.  I just stared at the screen after I typed those words.  It seems so long […]


Turning a New Year…..I am Running Life Like an A1C.

Happy New Year. As you look at the year ahead and reflect on the one in the rear view mirror try not to make any promises to yourself.  Did I just say that? Yes I did. This year I am not making any promises although I know quite a few aspects that I want to […]


Saving Mr. Banks……People We See, Paths that Cross…..Who are they; Really?

I have often stated that there are two ways to do something in today’s world; ‘To do it’, and/or “To do it the Disney way”.  Whether it is the way to move a food line, or to create amusement rides, or even create a new movie–there is just something done in a certain, dare I say magical, way when the […]


‘Steel Magnolias’ is not ABOUT Diabetes……Food for Thought!

I had a chance recently to see the original movie version of Steel Magnolias, again.  You know, the movie about a main character (played by Julia Roberts) dying from a low blood sugar reaction.   It has been years since I’ve seen the film and if you asked me three weeks ago what the film was about, […]


It’s Better to BE In and NOT Merely Looking In…….Don’t You Think?

The crumbled wrapping paper is left abandoned in a corner; a newly orphaned bow lays under the drink stained glass-top coffee table, and it is clear that this holiday is complete.  In my head I hear so many conversations from the last 24 hours.  I hear laughter, I hear stories, I hear friends, I hear family, and […]