
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #4 for Diabetes Awareness Month—–She Truly Must Never, Ever Sleep.

…..and the answer is, who is Kerri Sparling. Kerri telling the story when, as a child, she was informed of now having diabetes; “…..but I do remember being told it (diabetes) was forever and at that point in time forever was a huge concept for a small kid……forever that means until Christmas; right?……no, forever is like […]


When Other Diseases Move-in Side-by-side with Diabetes.

Remember the day your child was diagnosed with diabetes? It was a nightmare, right?  But lately I have been reading very careful of the plight other families deal with additional diagnosis to diabetes; and it surely can be very, very rough. Can you imagine dealing with diabetes and also having to deal with another disease from a long list of culprits.   My […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #3 for Diabetes Awareness Month–In the U.S. He Created a Place for Dads.

…and the answer is……….who is Tim Brand. If there is a dad in your world of diabetes; he needs to join this page on FB; Dads Battling Diabetes—d-Dads.  Here dads can speak to one another about the unique aspects of diabetes being a dad.  Created by the humble, but no-less-extremely-driven, Tim Brand–this is THE SITE for […]


Our Dogs are Just Dogs………..Right? Methinks Not.

Dogs and cats are just pets right?  Now if I leave that statement as it is, can you imagine the feedback I would get about it? The simple truth is that our pets have much more to do with our lives than we give credit.  I do not have a cat so I will speak […]


Diabetes Jeopardy for Diabetes Awareness Month #2—-She Started What No On Else Could….

….who is Mary Podjasek. She will tell you about her fabulous Board of Directors and she will tell you all of the help she gets but the simple truth is that when the Diabetes Scholars Foundation began,  someone had to be at the helm from the start to make it work…..that person is Mary Podjasek. You […]


Diabetes Jeopardy for Diabetes Awareness Month: The Answer is………..

….who is Manny Hernandez.  Manny is no stranger to the diabetes community and his impact is felt world-wide.  He was an Engineer from Venezuela, a Web Product Manager and an Internet Marketing Specialist with type 1 diabetes, Manny became determined to push social networks beyond plain socializing in late 2006. In 2007, he started and […]