TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THIS, THE FIFTH YEAR!!!!!!–get your child’s personal letter from Santa today–last day is midnight tonight….and help fund diabetes research at the DRI. For details click the link below: www.SantaClausDRI2015.org ONE MOM WHO RECEIVED A SANTA LETTER THIS YEAR WROTE: “She got her letter today-it was absolutely fabulous!! SUPER impressed with all of […]
Tag: Diabetes
WHAT A MOM WROTE WHO RECEIVED A SANTA LETTER THIS YEAR: “She got her letter today-it was absolutely fabulous!! SUPER impressed with all of the details and the fact that you guys talked about her YouTube T1 Diva videos! J LOVE IT!!!!!” TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THIS, THE FIFTH YEAR!!!!!!–get your child’s personal letter […]
There has been much happening in the arena of spreading awareness of the missed Diagnosis of type one diabetes; but it is not fast enough…..is it? When I read of Tyson, my heart broke—-more needs to be done. I will be presenting a fuller, more detailed, report next week on what has been happening. But I have […]
I have stated it before and will state it again as long as there is breath in me; when Kycie, Reegan, and David passed away from undiagnosed T1D while in DKA (there is a link at the end of this story defining DKA)–they were not the first, and unfortunately they will not be the last. […]
Her name is Debbie, and she volunteers her time. When I asked her what her favorite way to volunteer, she answered simply, “I sing.” But Debbie’s way of singing is a dream for most others you see, Debbie sings with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (MTC). At any given time, they pull into town after taking […]
Oh sure, we all know about diabetes camps. You know; camps where kids have a lot of fun and learn about diabetes Sure we all know about diabetes camps But do we? When you think of a diabetes camp, do you have the slightest idea how much work goes into planning one of these incredible programs […]