
A Second Child Diagnosed Was NOT the End; But a Beginning.

What we thought diabetes would be, was not what diabetes became.  Five years ago today our second child (our youngest of three) was diagnosed with t1 diabetes.  Were we angry?  You bet.  Are we still angry?  You bet. In life, we cannot do anything about what is dealt to us.  God? Fate? Chance?  Whatever, or whoever, you […]



   It’s today.   Twenty years ago.  Today.  Sigh.  It’s not ‘Happy’ Diaversary….it’s just there; a milestone. Twenty years today.  As I think back to that September 26th 1992, when at the age of 2 Kaitlyn was whisked to Stony Brook Hospital; medical staff ran around tending to her; tubes were attached; pain was administered; tears were […]