
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #28 for D-Month: MY PERSONAL Favorite on this, Thanksgiving Day, for My D-Kids and Those Like Them.

….and the answer is, who is Camillo Ricordi. There is no argument that there is much great research happening in the world today and surely, all of us parents, are unified in the single thought that we want the cure; yesterday.  Dr. Ricordi made the decision years ago that it was not important that HE […]


Information as Promised: Dr. Camillo Ricordi’s Live Webinar

I stated that I would supply the information about Dr. Camillo Ricordi’s live webcast when it was available. Without editorial or comment I would like to inform you that on Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 from 12 noon – 1:00 PM USA Eastern Standard Time; Dr. Camillo Ricordi, DRI Scientific Director, will host a live webinar to […]