
Hey, Can Your HS/College Kids Help the DRI Get $10,000?

Now I tried Halo, my daughter tried Halo Ice Cream, it’s a great tasting and pretty good nutrient value; and Kaitlyn informs me that her blood sugars did not spike when eating it.  So, not bad….in fact pretty good.  But of course, it’s different in each person as you well know. Here’s the deal.  Halo […]


On This World Diabetes Day……I Think……of You!

When Lou Gehrig retired from baseball he said, in his farewell speech, that he was probably one of the luckiest men on earth…..I know the feeling.  Not because of diabetes, I wish that was not in the factoring at all but in a way it is.  What is in the factoring……is YOU. If I attempted […]


An Open Letter to Yahoo and Google……Your ‘O’ Letters Could be Blue Today; No????

Dear Google and Yahoo, I noticed that you both have no artwork nor animation today on your logos. Considering those who live with diabetes, and their immediate family members, number over 1 billion world wide….perhaps I can help. If you would address my many letters and contacts about World Diabetes Day—I STILL have an idea or […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #14 for D-Month: For Whom is World Diabetes Day Recognized on November 14th?????

….who is Sir Frederick Banting Below is a quick bio of the man who is responsible for the discovery of insulin; his birthday is November 14th, TODAY, and it is this date that the International Diabetes Federation decided was the best day to be World Diabetes Day……and they would be correct.  There have been many great ‘findings’ over the […]