
A Response from a Good Friend of a Broken Hearted Family—Will You Share and/or help this Story?

I have posted a reply to my post about Brian Doss from Tracy Brokmeier, who created the fund-raising page for his family.  Before you read it I would like to share with you that I have concluded that this is about numbers.  Hundreds of people read the blog, and the good news is that we have almost doubled the money that they had collected thus far.

What could be a little bit better is the number of people who chose to give but when it comes to giving I have learned over the years that what people chose to do or not do is a very personal decision and I have always said, “Celebrate those who say yes, and those who say no are entitled to not give.”  I do respect that point and I leave this decision up to you.

What I would ask; is that you pass this on and ask others to pass it on….THAT WE CAN ALL DO.   The more who read this story, the more who might help. 

Thank you to all that help and read this incredible story from Tracy, I hope it moves your heart to give just $10 (of course more would help more if you can) or at the very least, pass this on to others.

From Tracy:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for posting about Brian and his family. Brian was my best friend, and while we live far away, it didn’t matter, our families grew very close over the years, brought together by a common disease, Type 1. There was not a day that went by that I didn’t talk to Brian (Big Doss as I called him), and I miss him so much. Brian was like a big brother to me, an uncle to my kids, and is so hard to believe that he is not here anymore. I started the fundraiser for his wife, Mary Ellen, and their kids, Megan and Zachary. They really need as much help as they can get. Brian’s income was the only income and he held the insurance. Imagine losing your husband, your world, and just 30 days later losing your health insurance that pays for you and your children’s medical needs. Brian was a very simple man and always worked hard for what he had. I know he would never even consider asking for help for himself but was always willing to help out someone else in need. He was the type of person that would give his shirt off his back for you, even if it were his only shirt. So I am asking, for him, because he can’t. Please help in any way you can. And if you are not in a position to make a donation, please at least pass his story and the information on the fundraiser on. I thank you again from the bottom of my heavy heart.  ###end

Here is the site where you can donate:

Tracy thanks me, me writing about this incredible man is the easy part—-the thank you goes to you who gave, will give, and/or share this story.

Make a difference…….give…….bless you.

I am a diabetesdad is the link to the original story:

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