
PLEASE Reply and Let Ben Know How Great He Is……..In a Research Trial at THIS MOMENT!!!!!

Hero Young ManThis is Ben.  Right now he is enrolled in a clinical trial to help others, like himself, who battle diabetes. 

He is doing this trial as YOU READ THIS ARTICLE.

He could be playing somewhere.  He could be watching TV.  He could also not be hooked up to medical equipment at this very moment.   You can see by his face that he is okay where he is.  He is amazing and his mon wrote on her page, today. “….. we chose to ‘Don’t do Nothing’…..”

I cried when I read that as so many know that is my mantra, to ‘Don’t do Nothing’.

Ben you ARE ABSOLUTELY  DIabetes  Dad’s hero of the week.

Please reply to this blog and let Ben know how great he is for doing this artificial pancreas trial.

GO Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

57 replies on “PLEASE Reply and Let Ben Know How Great He Is……..In a Research Trial at THIS MOMENT!!!!!”

Ben, you are an absolute star! Proud to know and your mummy, hope they give you lots of treats for being such a brave boy! CWD mums certainly don’t ‘just don’t do nothing’ because we know ‘diabetes just won’t do’

Hey Ben!

Without the sacrifices made by people like you there would no progress in the world of medicine and we would still be stuck using leeches to cure everybody’s ills. Well done my man for making the world a better – and much less slimy – place.


Ben is awesome(and his parents too)!!! Seriously, most of us just struggle to adjust, but he’s doing so much more! Everyone loves you, Ben!!

Thanks Tom!! Now I’m crying. After I went to FFL in Windsor I decided that I needed to do more but find it hard to know what or how. So here we are doing this tonight and again in 2 weeks.
Thank you for all you do.

Well done Ben. You are doing a great job for everyone with type1 diabetes!
You should get a special treat for helping.

Thank you so much Ben, you are our hero! We will never forget what you are doing for all the children with Type 1. Romany age 7 says thank you too!

Ben you are a superstar! Thank you for being such a cool dude and helping all the children with type 1. You are such a brave big boy !

Wow Ben you are so fab, such a brave little boy a true inspiration I bet your parents are so proud of you. I am a mummy of a little boy Sam who has diabetes when he waked up tomorrow I’m going to tell him that Ben is helping us find a cure xxxx

Ben, you are an absolute star. So so proud of you, and very grateful to you and your family for helping bring all our children closer to the artificial pancreas.

What a super kid you are! Thank you for being in this trial, so that you can help everyone find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes some day! 🙂

Ben you are a complete star!! thankyou so much for doing this ! my Ben and Ems were really excited to find out you were taking part in this trial to help everyone with type 1 diabetes. hope you get a smashing treat at the end. your mum and dad must be so proud of you 🙂 x

Ben, I’ve always known you are a brave little boy but this just proves you are a complete superstar too! What a wonderful way to help others. Very, very proud of you!
PS well done to Mummy and Daddy for being so fab too!

Ben, I’ve always known you are a brave little boy but this just proves you are a complete superstar too! What a wonderful way to help others. Very, very proud of you! Xxxx PS well done to Mummy and Daddy for being so fab too!

Ben, I dont know you or your mummy in person, but have followed your story since you were tiny. I hope you are very proud of yourself for doing this, I know lots of others are extremely proud of you.
For what it is worth , I think your Mummy is lovely, and that you are very lucky to have her as your mummy, she too, is very lucky to have been blessed with such a lovely little boy.
I wish you well in this trial, I dont know much about diabetes, but I do know what a struggle it has been for you and your family at times, and hope that this trial will lead to something that can help.
Much love to all of you

Yeah Ben – you’re making some kind of history there bud!!!!! So proud of you and please tell your mom and dad thanks from us.
Anne (Mom to Steph age 21, dxd 5/13/97)- Nashua, NH

Hey Ben!

Without the sacrifices made by people like you there would no progress in the world of medicine and we would still be stuck using leeches to cure everybody’s ills. Well done my man for making the world a better – and much less slimy – place.


Thank you Ben, for being a superstar and helping all the children with type 1 diabetes believe that one day treatment will be easier. Thank you to your mummy and daddy for supporting you and helping all the other parents. Love from Nicola and Katie (diagnosed in June 2011) xxxx

Ben, thank you for taking part in this trial, you are a super star 🙂 it’s as a result of brave children like you that other children will have a better future. My nephew Joe has type 1 diabetes. I am in total support of you and your family x

You have always been my little treasure and this may be one small step for Ben but one giant leap for diabetics well done love you loads from nanny Kate and grandad John xxx

Ben, thank you for doing this. Tell your Dad he should do something fun with you when you get out (my son likes iFly 🙂 ). Good luck!

Hi Ben great to see what a brave couragious little boy you are we don’t see you often but you are always in our prayers along with all the family. Lots of love from the family in the North. xxxx

fantastic brave little Ben – such an example to us all.
bedtime reading with you will never be quite the same again
much love Grannie Marie and Grandad Gordon

Very touching and sad at the same time. Well done Ben you are a very brave little boy. Thinking of you, mum, dad & Sophie and your extended family. With love always Melissa & Craig xxx

Hey Ben my wonderful cousin,
You’re a very brave boy.
Good luck and see you soon hopefully 🙂

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