
NEWS BREAK: High Ranking UK Official is Newly Diagnosed with T1.

Theresa-MayTheresa May, the British Conservative politician who is the current Home Secretary, has announced that she was diagnosed with T1 diabetes about 2 months ago.  The former financial consultant assures her constituency that she will continue on.

“The diabetes doesn’t affect how I do the job or what I do. It’s just part of life … so it’s a case of head down and getting on with it,” May told the Mail on Sunday.  She further stated, “It doesn’t and will not affect my ability to do my work. I’m a little more careful about what I eat and there’s obviously the injections, but this is something millions of people have … I’m OK with needles.”

Many news stories around the UK are including the warning signs of diabetes and what were the course of events that led-up to Ms. May’s diagnosis.  Many of them also trivialized what exactly having T1 means, and I also find it interesting to see how other reporters in other countries also get diabetes wrong.  You can google her name and you will read some of the reports. 

One reporter from the BBC tweeted about our own Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor as an example of continuing in highly visible government posts.  

I was just in the UK a few months ago and the voices from the Advocacy session were loud and clear that things needed to change……..seems like there may be an ear a little more willing to listen.

I’m sure this breaking story will grow over the next few days and with that, diabetes will be in the news also; let’s keep our eyes open and be ready should anyone need any information regarding T1 diabetes. 

We wish Ms. May well and surely much more on this story will be published.

I am a Diabetes Dad.

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