
Are Diabetes Educators Really Important?

diabetes educatorAre they really important???????……..I’ll go as far as saying that at one point or another, their expertise has saved my children’s lives.

One of the most heartbreaking situation stories is when I hear from parents that there is no diabetes educator available to them because either their practice is too small, or the area they live in does not serve enough people.

In as much as I certainly know how important our endocrinologists are, there is no denying that a Certified Diabetes Educator can be worth their weight in gold.  A good CDE takes the time to ‘go granular’ when it comes to diabetes care.

When Kaitlyn was younger, we had a fabulous CDE; so good she was that she moved on to earn her Ph.D. and went into diabetes research.  Those who obtain their CDE certification go through much to get those initials placed after their name.

So you bet they are important and as they say on TV’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire…..they are our life lines to diabetes care.

What is the most important aspect that you deal with your diabetes educator?  Please share.

I am a diabetes dad.

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2 replies on “Are Diabetes Educators Really Important?”

Our Diabetes Educator is named Kathy Bratt and she works at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Syracuse, NY. She without a doubt turned insanity into sense for us when it came to our son’s diagnosis. We trek the three or so hours every three months just to see her because we can trust her to tell us the whole, accurate truth calmly.

Sarah S. in Dr. Desrosier’s office in Orlando was VITAL in helping us with our 18 month old’s pump. Bless her heart she took calls and text messages from us 24/7. She is now works for a pump company. We are so thankful to her and all of our CDEs. We have been blessed.

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